
2000年 錄像舞蹈劇場 《後太平天國之天國近了》(澳門版)


VideoDance Theatre
"Post Tai Ping Tin Kuok-- the Kingdom of God is near "
(Macau Version )

時間:PM 8:00 Time: 8.00p.m.
Date: 08-09APR2000 (Saturdayand Sunday)
Time: 8.00 p.m.
Venue: Hiu Koc ExperimentalTheatre ( Rua Dos Pescadores No.82-86 , Edif. Ind. " Nam Fung " 12-andraA)

這 是石頭公社在1999年的一個重要製作,首演於澳門回歸前一星期的香港藝術中心麥高利小劇場,作品原由三位澳門錄像藝術工作者、兩位編舞以及五位舞者所共 同創作演出的,作品中呈現了各個創作人對澳門即將回歸的心情,及對將來的期盼--有人談身份,有人說各種現象下的狂人世界,有人在黑夜中獨舞抒解抑壓,有 人作過去與未來交錯之夢。

This is animportant production of the Stone Commune of 1999. Its premiere was shownat the McAulay Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Arts Centre one week beforethe Handover of Macau. The theatre was originally created by five Macauvideo workers, two choreographers and five dancers, each expressing hisor her feelings about the return of Macau to China and expectations ofthe future. Some talked about identity; some talked about a maniac worldunder different phenomena; some danced the depression off in the dark;some dreamt about the past and the future.

When this episode of the PostTai Ping Tin Kuok was shown in Hong Kong, it was broadly reported and arousedmuch interest of the Hong Kong people who had already experienced theirchange of sovereignty. The talk after the show was a bonus to the StoneCommune because the participants were so actively involved in the discussionand special interest was raised on the conditions of Macau.

When the return of Macau to Chinaalready became a chapter of the history, changes are likely to happen tothe associated feelings. Thus, the Macau version of ' The Kingdom of Godis Near ' has made appropriate adjustment to the time factor and will beplayed by two male performers. The identity problem after the return andfeelings about the present environment are the main themes of the play.On the stage, the actors dance with the images and they mingle togetherin the play. Off the stage, history is formed as it staggers between realityand illusion.


Actors: Kin Lai , JoseClaudino Coelho
Production and Performance:TheStone Commune
Music Creation: Wong YanKwai , Pun Tak Shu
Video Creation: AlbertChu Iao Ian , Vicent Hoi Kuok Meng , Veronique Wong Choi Peng
Choreographer: Jane Lei

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