
2009北京 798 藝術節 - <澳門周> 活動

環境舞蹈劇場 - <聽風的卡夫卡> Kafka listening to the wind

演出時間: 2009.10.15-18 , 每天17:30

演出地點:北京798藝術中心 (706大廠房)



演員:張健嫻 , 張楚誠, 關若斐, 莫倩婷, 林穎欣




制作:石頭公社 (澳門)

澳門本地原創舞蹈劇場 <聽風的卡夫卡>於2006年12月澳門文化中心首演。該作品以日本著名作家村上春樹的作品 <聽風的歌> , <神的孩子在跳舞> 和 <海邊的卡夫卡> 為創作藍本, 結合環境, 舞蹈, 錄像等元素, 作品一邊以村上這三個文本中角色的生存狀態為依據, 另一邊則以現在澳門急速失衡的社會發展為平衡線, 相互對照以呈現一個關於人與生存現實之間種種糾葛交纏的新文本.

繼續閱讀: http://art.china.cn/huodong/2009-08/20/content_3085838.htm

本文刊於Ponto Final (句號葡文日報) -01.09.2009
Olá Pequim !

Macau comemora o décimo aniversário na capital do país numa série de eventos alternatives ao programa de comemorações oficiais promovido pelo Governo. Cerca de uma centena de artistas locais leva a Pequim uma mostra do que se faz no território ao nível criativo e cultural, com um programa de festas que terá lugar no bairro cultural 798. Um festival de cinema, exposições de artes visuais, concertos e espectáculos de dança e teatro servem para pôr as gentes da RAEM mais perto dos pequineses. “Queremos mostrar como mudámos, diz o organizador, Erik Kuong

本文刊於澳門日報 - 26.08.2009
"二○○九北京798藝術節”舉辦 <澳門周> 活動



繼續閱讀 : http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2009-08/26/content_358266.htm

本文刊於載於澳門日報 - 13.08.2009
"回歸北京……Ola Beijing!”

.............除了載歌載舞、酒會飯局外,雙慶還可以做甚麼?或者澳門當代藝術可以提供一些新鮮賀慶節目,令雙慶增添一份人文的關懷、美學的祝福。這群澳門當代藝術家籌備的 OlaBeijing ! 澳門當代藝術在北京系列活動”,把本土藝術文化帶到北京,身體力行將澳門藝術“回歸”祖國,打開雙邊文藝/民間交流對話,我衷心祝福他們能夠成功。

繼續閱讀 : http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2009-08/13/content_353101.htm

文章刊於 Macau Closer - August issue
“Olá Beijing! ― Macau Contemporary Arts in Beijing Series Program”

There will be a film screening touring to different universities in Beijing, in order to build a communication platform for the arts. Within this framework, there are two selected productions that perfectly meet Macau’s needs and echo Macau’s voice. One is the graduation work of a Macau student, Wong Ting Ting, who is studying Film Directing at the Beijing Film Academy. The film was made in Macau depicting a local story, and received very positive feedback and compliments from her professors.

Another Macau student, who is also currently studying in Beijing, has formed a rock band with the students there. They are going to perform rock music from “the late eighties” during the upcoming show in the program. Besides this, two new, local rock icons, Blademark (刃記) and Cactus, have also been invited to present a joint show with a Beijing rock band on the same stage.

“For performance, we’ve also selected two site-specific works. Including a cross media theatre work “Playing Landscape” and an original dance theatre work “Kafka Listening to the Wind” by Stone Commune,” Erik adds.

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